music lessons

High Quality Music Lessons
Music @ 1st Fine Arts Academy is dedicated to providing high quality music lessons for students of all ages. You will learn in a safe, nurturing environment where you can develop your musical gifts and talents. Opportunities are available for you to share what you have learned at recital performances, worship services and at special events.

Private Lessons
Private instruction is offered for students of all ages in piano, voice, guitar, mandolin, ukulele, violin, viola, cello, string bass, electric bass, and other instruments as available.

Lessons are offered by semester, Monday-Wednesdays weekly in 30, 45 and 60 minute time blocks, and a recital is held at the conclusion of each semester.
Fall & Winter Semesters – 16 weeks
Summer Session – 10 weeks
30 minute lesson
45 minute lesson
60 minute lesson
$28 / $448 (semester)
$39 / $624 (semester)
$54 / $864 (semester)

Make Up Policy
- We consider your private lesson time a standing appointment.
- Please provide 24 hour notice if you are unable to make your scheduled lesson time. If you wake up ill on the morning of your lesson please CALL THE INSTRUCTOR before 9 am.
- If an instructor has to miss a lesson, it will be made up. If the instructor misses other lessons credit will be issued to your account.
Weather Cancellation Policy
When Plymouth-Canton Schools are closed due to bad weather conditions, in person lessons are cancelled. Make ups will be scheduled where possible. If not, credit will be issued to your account.
Contact Pat Fleming
(734) 453-5280 ext 110